You’re so loved, magnificent, eternal ♥

Hello and welcome to my cozy sanctuary! I’m Ro, your spiritual mentor, energy healer, channel, and yoga teacher. My passion is to support intuitives, old souls, and lightworkers on their journeys of self-discovery and personal growth. Tap the images to explore my offerings and find the perfect fit for your path! 🥰

What is a Channeling Session?

A channeling session is similar to a psychic reading, but instead of relying on my extrasensory perceptions and Higher Self, I connect directly to a higher source of energy—my Guides from the Causal Plane. They provide accurate, no-nonsense, and deeply inspiring information on any topic.

I offer 1-3 Question email sessions for those who want quick, direct answers in a convenient format, and live text chat sessions, where we can explore the guidance in real time (via Google Chat or Discord messages)

Whether you seek clarity or reassurance, these sessions can help you align with your highest potential. If you’re curious, check out my blog posts and explore my testimonials to see how my sessions have helped others.

Some frequently asked questions: What’s my soul’s archetype? What messages are my guides sending me? How can I heal deep emotional wounds? Why do I feel stuck, and how do I break free? How do I connect with my Higher Self? How can I attract more abundance? How do I realign with my life’s path? How do I call in more love and harmony? How can I align my career with my soul? Why do I repeat negative patterns? What do my recurring dreams mean? Which past lives are influencing me now? What karmic patterns am I clearing?

Order your e-mail channeling sessions, specialized energy reports, MP3 meditations and more! See all my offerings here

💌 Soulful Newsletter

If you want to stay in touch, this is a more personal way for us to connect and get to know each other! I’ll share inspiration, updates on my healing work, and advice to help you live a gentle, creative, and soulful life. Subscribe here and get my free ebook!

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