
Karmic Healing Subliminals – Past Lives Healing

1. I release all my karmic suffering, for my best and highest good

2. I release all karmic pain and trauma

3. I am assisted by my Angels, Archangels, and Spirit Guides

4. I send love to all who share karmic themes with me

5. I am free from negative soul contracts

6. I am creating a positive karmic path

7. My karmic path is based on love and conscious choices.

8. I send healing to all my past and future lifetimes

9. I own my current life 

10. I am in control of my life

11. My life is whole and perfect on its own

12. I lovingly detach from anything that doesn’t serve me

13. I forgive myself and others for any damaging past life actions 

14. I release what’s no longer necessary for my soul’s evolution 

15. I release any karmic imprints from my past lives.

16. I embrace the lessons and growth opportunities 

17. I neutralize all karmic imbalances, here and now

18. I release any guilt, shame, or fear associated with past life actions

19. I take full responsibility for my choices

20. I choose with awareness and love

21. I am the creator of my own reality

22. I break free from negative karmic cycles 

23. I create positive experiences that balance my karma

24. I embrace forgiveness and self-love.

25. I receive divine guidance and support.

26. I welcome new beginnings

27. All my choices come from a place of Love

28. I manifest positive experiences

29. I consciously choose to create a karmic path of love

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