unapologetic Old Soul in a Maturing World
This love letter is for you. A reminder from my Soul to Yours.
In this age and time, I believe one of the bravest forms of activism, is aligning with who we truly are.
Deeply and unapologetically living from the Wholeness of our Soul.
Embracing all our spectrum of colors and shadows.
Allowing ourselves to seek pleasure, joy, wisdom, expansion, growth.
Acting from this beautiful place and teaching others by example.
And yes, it can be difficult when your evironment doesn’t support this way of living.
This soulcentered way of life would make our current sociopolitical and economic system collapse in a day
Right now, there’s so much fear, ignorance, oppression wrecking havoc in all the world.
The growing pains of our species.
For us sensitives and older souls, it can be “too much”.
Like, “been there, done that”…Many of us are also experiencing exhaustion, numbness and world-weariness for all the “drama”, yet we also desperately want to help, to assist.
The dilemma: how to do it without getting entangled and burning out??
I don’t have an answer for you, but here’s what’s working for myself:
Alignment, Meaning and Community
I ask myself each morning, how do I want to feel today??
How can I better take care of myself /a loved one / the world, today??
From that I take an action that feels natural and meaningful at the moment.
I listen to my Soul and trust its eternal wisdom.
My dear friend, know that you living in this moment in history is absolutely brave and needed.
You “chose” to be here, in a way.
And now you are participating in anchoring a new paradigm of consciousness,
just by being alive and adding your energy to the collective’s.
Whatever your “mind” and floating thoughts have tried to make you believe,
Your choices are valid.
Your feelings are valid.
Your anger, frustration, boredom, stagnation, confusion…
they are all valid.
Don’t feel guilty of needing and wanting to stay in your “bubble” for a while.
Don’t feel guilty of needing lots of resting time, and “doing nothing”.
Us intuitives and old souls actually do so much just by holding our unique vibration, by existing from Love.
Now, if you want to take it further, I invite you to sustain even little moments of deep awareness, gratitude and love each day, in the middle of your activities.
Find Meaning, something to uphold, something to “fight for”.
And keep Trusting.
Keep visualizing a better present and future.
Keep taking care of yourself and the world.
Because Everything counts.
No little action, visualization, prayer or meditation is lost.
Everything counts, and you count, too.
By holding those wonderful values and visions in your heart, you are tuning into thousands of people doing the same. (We dreamers, old souls, lightworkers, empaths, weirdos, introverts, dilettantes, witches…yass we are all here!!)
We are all orchestrating that future together. We are activating it from here.
That future is a reality.
I feel the power of Community is crucial for us to sustain this way of living, to sustain our inspiration and courage
(at least until the rest of the world “catches up”)
We have to light and uphlold these progressive values as lanterns in the dark.
For our soulmates to see and say, “oh, hey, there you are!! there’s Home!!”
For the strugglers and sufferers to catch a breath and see the spark of Possibility, that “there’s more to this”
Community is healing.
We all crave Belonging.
We all long to be seen, heard and understood.
Sometimes that’s all it takes to keep carrying on…
and start healing our wounds.
No matter how physically far away we are from each other, our Souls are closer than ever.
We are singing the same Song.
And you ‘know’ who we are!!!
So Today,
I invite you to align with your Soul.
I invite you to honor your dreams and visions.
I invite you to love and accept yourself as you are, in this moment.
Because this too shall pass, and we can re-create ourselves again and again…
Take that single little action that will make you feel happy and meaningful today.
And tomorrow, repeat.
As you do this, the Universe will draw to you the exact persons and experiences that will help you shine even brighter.
You’ll find your “soul tribe”…. just as I am finding mine :’)
With love,
PS: You can find all my free videos here on my YouTube channel. !!
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