What to Expect from a Channeling Session?

In this post I will answer some common questions about Channeling Sessions! If you are new here, you can start reading this introductory post on The Art of Channeling (what is, how it can help you, how is different from psychic and tarot readings). And if you are working with me for the first time, please read this post thoroughly!!

What to Expect from a Channeling Session?

Feel deeply seen, inspired and clearer about yourself!
I love to Channel messages from your own Essence/Higher Self, and your personal team of Spirit Guides!! Additionally, I work with the Michel Entity, also known as “Michel”, or “The Ms”, a Causal Plane group of discarnate fragments/personalities who have Agreements to Teach their Philosophy of Choice.

Important Considerations / How to Prepare

All “live” sessions are done via text chat in our agreed platform (Google Chat, Discord or Zoom).  Please make sure to have the updated version of the platform! Make sure your internet connection is stable.  No camera or mic is needed, since this is a text chat. To make the most of your time, I suggest you have already written down your main question(s), so at the start of your session you quickly paste them in the chatroom. After the session, I will email you a transcript, but you are also free to copy-paste the answers if you want to.

The Ms say that Asking questions is an Art. We get the most profound insights when our question is deeply honest and vulnerable. The more general the question asked, the more general the answer tends to be. Also, the more the question is about you and what you can do, rather than about what other people are thinking or doing, the deeper insights they tend to give. So, feel free to elaborate and offer any background information you see fit, while clearly stating what you want to know.

Let me add, there are no “dumb” or “stupid” questions, ever! Do not feel shy to ask something you consider silly!

Book a session with me!

For best use of your time (especially in your first session), choose a particular “topic” of exploration, for example, learning your Essence Profile (the map of your soul!) is a great start. Staying on a single topic ensures that you are given a more in-depth response that addresses your current needs more effectively.
As this is YOUR live chat with the Ms, always feel free to interject and ask for clarifications if you need to! It’s a two-way conversation!

As you can imagine, due to the delicate nature of Channeling, and the fact that we access energies beyond ourselves, conveying the information takes considerable effort and focus. Sometimes, there will be “long” pauses in the chat, as my guides are receiving your question and ‘downloading’ the answer to me. Please do not panic! It takes some time to “unpack” the energy and deliver it to you in a clear and efficient way. But rest assured, they’ll always respond. If time is short, they might give a summary to point you in the right direction. Sometimes, they may still continue answering your question even after our scheduled time ends, which is why I space appointments with extra time in between!

Then, you can choose to have another session to “pick it up where you left”.  In this case, copy-and-paste their previous answer to provide context, and ask them for a follow through. Since “I” am on trance, after our sessions I have very little recollection of what has come through me.

30 min are best for 1 or 2 simple and straight-forward questions OR 1 Question with more backstory or elaboration.

60 min can cover 1-3 “short” questions OR 1-2 questions with more backstory.

Akashic records information ~ such as past/future/parallel lives, nature of your soul bonds with people, etc., require more focus and thus take a minimum of 10 minutes. 1 “past live” is considered as 1 question. Please consider this when ordering your session. 

What if I don’t know what to ask?

I understand this so well! Life can be complex and our emotions so multilayered and paradoxical. In those cases where you know you need help but don’t know how, write a summary about how you are feeling and what is happening in your life. Sort of a “This is where I am now”, followed by “Please comment on this” or “Please offer your insights about my life situation” or “How can I find peace/freedom/healing through this experience?”
While my Guides are not therapists, they offer a safe space for you to discover and illuminate your own path.

My Guides’ Approach

The Ms will never make you feel bad about yourself or make urgent claims and predictions. They will never tell you what to do or give you an exact recipe to follow. No one can override your own choices!! The Ms simply remind you of what you already know deep inside! Often, you need to hear the answer from different angles, time and time again until you finally “get it”. The Ms simply help you uncover the love, beauty, and truth you already are.

I don’t know what to feel about my session / I’m not really resonating with my session

My Guides do not seek to solely comfort you and soothe you, or sugar-coat things. They are clear, precise and action-oriented. They don’t say exactly what you want to hear, but what will grow your True Self.

Believe me, I’ve gotten frustrated at them! Which says more about me than them. When we get angry or displeased by the information, is usually a resistance or fear that is being brought to light.

So, please be patient and give yourself time. If you feel dissatisfied with your session, please don’t disregard it immediately. Sometimes, the messages become clearer and make sense after some weeks of even months have passed. But in the rare case that the session feels totally off, I deeply apologize!! That’s on me. As anyone else, I have “bad days” where things don’t flow as well as I would like.
But trust that I offer this service with love and care to the tiniest detail, so I always give my 200% !!

My strengths and limitations as A channel

I have training in Psychology, Yoga, Energy Healing, Crystal Healing, Tarot and Clairvoyance. My interests are mainly focused on bringing inspiration, joy and relaxation. So, the “coloring” of my channeling is linked to that. My Guides work with the vocabulary and knowledge I have available to transmit their messages to you.

If you are seeking answers about quantum physics, maths or heavy science for example, I’m not your best person!! Surely, you can try asking my Guides about that, but their answers will rely mostly on analogies or metaphors using the knowledge I have.

I do my best to offer you the highest quality channeling experience. Most days, you will find my channeling smooth, accurate and inspiring. I take care of my body, eat well and exercise regularly to be a wonderful conduit of energy!! But I am human just like you and experience low energy, bad days, PMS, etc. So I ask for your grace and understanding in those moments. If I find that my health fluctuations may negatively affect the quality of the channeling, I’ll inform you beforehand so we can reschedule our session. But rest assured, I work eagerly to give you my best of my best.  I am deeply grateful for you and for helping me to do what I love!!

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