Is channeling real?
Channeling is a delicate and subjective art and phenomenon that is still being understood, even by the most well-seasoned channels.
Honestly, I don’t fully understand the science and mechanisms of how channeling works.
I don’t pretend to proselytize or convince people of the validity of channeling. But many factors really suggest something profound and beyond our normal consciousness happens while we channel.
I always say, experience it for yourself, take what resonates, and leave the rest.
What validates channeling for me:
In my experience, I distinctly feel a difference between my “self” vs universal energies (reiki), my Spirit Guides and Michael Entity, whom I channel.
Some personal details and information that a channel obtains about a client during a session, can’t possibly be known beforehand. This suggests the validity of the channeled source.
The philosophical framework provided by sources like Seth or Michael, tends to be unique, original, cohesive and consistent, offering a broad perspective on reality that goes beyond traditional philosophies and narratives.
Channeling helps many individuals to improve their lives, find solace, understanding, love, and connection to the world and something greater than themselves (not bound by religious dogma and imprinting).
Seeing how much it’s positively impacted me, and many others makes it very “real” and worthwhile. Channeling can help you feel less alone in this vast universe, and that’s why I love it so much 💓