Caring in difficult times ~ an invitation for empaths and old souls

Today in the shower, I thought of water. More specifically, the people who clean water for us.

It felt like magic. 

The Magicians of Water, the people who make sure it is perfectly clean for us to drink.

In my mind, I painted a picture of their faces.
Their work clothes. Their eyes and smiles behind their masks. Their tears. Their laughter. 

I felt them right beside me.

I may not know everything about their lives and activities, but I know I wouldn’t do what I do without them.
I closed my eyes and recited a little prayer for them and their families.

Suddenly I was thinking of every person in this awesome, mind-blowing and humbling circle of life, that right now, is helping me live.

The families who wake up at 3 am every day to sell their produce on the market, so I can have the most delicious yellow potatoes for my lunch.

Trans activists in the Amazon who have been abused but still rise their voices to defend nature

Families in Gaza who have lost everything, and no word in any language can describe their pain.

Ana, the animal rescuer who takes care of 80 dogs and cats, who has to face heartless neighbors who try to poison the innocent animals.

Everyone is trying their best to live, to stay afloat, to create a good life for their families. 

To hopefully savor a nice meal, a breath of fresh air, a moment of quietude and peace in their day.

“I’m sorry, I wish I could do more for you” , sometimes, that thought visits my mind.

I’ve been part of some healing circles, to send reiki energy to COVID patients. 

It is a beautiful and humbling experience. Many feelings intertwined. The gratitude for those who are still with us, the bittersweet moments of remembrance, the surrender to the inevitable good-byes, the pain of your loved one departure…

And of course, the warm and soothing embrace of  your friends, your soul family ~ maybe not physically, but spiritually. Still beautiful and very real.

I’ve been reflecting on the importance of Caring for yourself and others during these moments.

What do you do when things get rough? When the end of struggle is uncertain, blurry and so far away?

As of May 16th of 2021, it’s been more than a year enduring this pandemic…

As we move into this new paradigm of compassion, equality and inclusivity, friction is inevitable.

It can feel uncomfortable at times, but these are the labor pains of this new era.

As my guides say, we are going from a Young Soul perspective (based on competition and ambition) to a Mature Soul perspective (community-based, acceptance and equality).

You can see this amplified in politics and social scenarios. In social media. In your workplace or home.

And if you are feeling weary, depleted or numb, it’s a sign that you need to bring some love and attention to yourself.

Self-care is not a luxury, and it doesn’t need to be fancy.

Pay attention to your inner cues and impulses to play, relax… or simply do nothing!!

What helps me in difficult times, is just going one day at the time.

One hour at a time.

One moment at a time.

With kindness, patience and curiosity.

Knowing that there is more to live, to love, to explore.

I disconnect disconnect from the info glut /news/social media…

and connect to earth, the sky, and wind, music and art.

I sing, I dance.

I find myself there!

I remember it’s worthy to take care of my little body and spirit…

There are things I can control, and others I simply can’t.

And I am at peace with that.

I suggest you have One Thing to look forward to each day. Something really simple, or childlike, or yummy.

Just One, to start. Like a little promise you keep to yourself every -or most- of your days.

Like pancakes! Or a song to learn the choreo. Or cuddling with your beloved pet.

Or wearing some cute LOTR inspired earrings and cosplay!!

Whatever it is, bring all your love and presence to that moment.

Let it fuel you with inspiration and motivation to keep going.

In this time and age it’s hard to human, but if your heart aches, it means it is open.

it means you are sensitive. it means you care.

you are a healer and life-giver, and this world needs YOU

this world needs your Love

thank you for not giving up

Please, take care of yourself.

And when you are able to, please take care of those who can’t care for themselves.


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