Creating Beauty, Upholding Truth ~ Reflections on Covid Year 2
It’s been 2 years since this pandemic started!
How are you holding up, dear reader?
I decided to write this blog as an uplifting rant, if that makes sense!!
Let’s see…
One of the things I was melancholic about was my elusive feelings of stagnation and frustration.
That things are not moving forward the way I want them to be, or how I envision them to happen.
I am a visionary by nature, and if I don’t see my vision being realized, then… I feel weird inside
And some anxious questions arise:
What about my easily-distracted-ness? Is it ok or should I make an effort?
Why am I so fatigued?! Where do I get the energy to create what I want? How can I stand up for myself? Do I need help? Where can I find help?
This world should be more compassionate already!!
Wars in 2022? C’mon!
Etc etc etc
Do you relate?
It’s so legitimate to feel absolutely tired and exhausted and hopeless
It’s ok to cry everyday (hey! I do it!)
If we feel and care about the suffering of people like you and me, of the animals and earthlings sharing this place with us, we are awake. We are sensitive. It’s actually a good thing.
Now we are faced with a rapidly changing world, hardships and threats from all directions.
And how do we find meaning in this chaos?
How do we find peace?
Today I tuned into my guides. The following is the message I got:
Create the world you want to live in. You are already doing it.
Be your own light. Be your own love. Be your own inspiration.
Be the beauty you want to see.
Even if you don’t see immediate proof of your efforts, know that they matter and they contribute greatly to this paradigm shift. You are immensely valuable just for existing in this time and age. Picture the effect of dropping water on a stone. The drops are tiny, yet continuous. Sooner or later, they crack the rock. The key is Presence and Persistence. BE HERE and KEEP DOING.
One of the easiest ways to snap out of numbness and stagnation is Doing Something Different.
Switch your activity.
Take a walk, talk to a friend, watch a new show.
Get your energy moving in a different way, and this “refreshing” of your neural and energetic pathways, will bring you new insights, intuitions and wider perceptions.
Create something NEW.
Preferably, something you can see, touch, feel and smell. Since you are a physical being, engage your physicality to birth a new project, artwork, recipe, etc.
Return to your physical senses to ground yourself and connect to your physical body.
What makes you human is your capacity to shape and change the world around you.
Creating makes you feel good, because you were born to create.
This is a Truth at the core of your your Human Design
Remember that Universal truths are quite simple, and that’s why they are so overlooked and forgotten. But they can always be re-remembered.
In this era of globalization and Internet, both access and distortion of Truth are quite easy
As a human, to be able to grasp Truth, you often need to create complex stories around them
You may have to listen to the same truth many times, coming from different people, opposing perspectives
Then facing that truth by yourself
Measuring it against your internal guidance, your Soul’s Compass
And then Living that truth it time and time again
Until you profoundly comprehend it
When you are faced with a confusing perspectives and noise coming from different sources, a way of distilling the Truth of the situation is asking yourself:
Is it good? Is it kind? Is it helpful?
These three questions will help you find what is most loving and helpful on a personal, communal and global level. What moves you, your friends, communities and species toward evolution. Towards a more inclusive and whole state of being.
To sustain your inspiration in the upcoming days, you can consciously state uplifting truths about yourself.
You can start with the following affirmations:
I am here. My existence is enough.
That’s the truth.
Love is everything. And I AM Love.
That’s the truth.
We are still in a pandemic. It’s ok to feel like shit.
That’s the truth.
I am trying. I am doing my best.
That’s the truth.
I am finding my way. I trust myself and my creativity.
That’s the truth.
Anything that gives me pleasure is good and worthwhile.
That’s the truth.
Every small act of kindness matters and is enough.
That’s the truth.
I am living a life well lived. And I love myself.
That’s the truth.
That was the channeled wisdom from my guides!
What do you think?
I will do my best to find, allow and create “proof” of these beautiful truths in my life.
They are already here. I just need to open my eyes, open my heart and soak in them
Thank you for reading!
Wishing you the brightest of days,