
it’s not what you think it is: the comfort zone (advice for creatives and old souls)

I’m a pretty private person, to be honest. I’m just not very used to actively talking about myself or what I do, I prefer observing and listening. Just a year ago, I would never, EVER had thought I would be doing this, sharing blogs and videos with you…Being vulnerable and asking for support. Sharing my path as a way of helping you in yours.

Little by little, since 2015 , I’ve been jumping from one stepping stone from the next one in my soul’s journey, opening up to being more of ME in the world.

My latest milestones have been launching this blog, my Youtube Channel and a Patreon community,I was soo anxious to finally do this, but here I am!!!

And I truly feel blessed of the love and encouragement I’m receiving!!!

Looking back, perhaps you could say this was a constant, ever-expanding of my “comfort zone”.

I feel many of us, as people, creators, healers and such, deal with the so called “comfort zone”

According to some people, that space where we feel good, pleasant and safe, nothing bothers us, there’s no friction…but maybe there isn’t “growth” either. Society, the media tells us to “get out of it”.

And we interiorize that, too.


I’m all about redefining ingrained concepts in our (spiritual) vocabulary.

So, the comfort zone…

what does it mean to you?

Is it a nice, nurturing, cozy, peaceful, accepting space?

Or a stagnant swamp, the antithesis of “growth” and “productivity”?

Also, who are the people who talk about comfort zones?

Are those productivity gurus, or something like that?

Is staying in our comfort zone actually “bad”?

I invite you to not think of it in terms of good and bad, but what CHOICES propel your healing and growth on your own terms.

My approach comes from radical acceptance and a bit of playfulness

focus on the what feels Meaningful and True for You.

What feels Meaningful and True to you at this moment?

What flows effortlessly from you, now?

What do you want to have more in your Life, Today?

Which kind of emotional or creative state you want to nurture now?

What next choice will help you Be more of You?

What action can you take today, that will propel your growth on your own terms?

What’s your Vision?

Since 2015, I’ve been tacitly answering all those questions by choosing what felt Meaningful and True to Me.

I stepped into my Truth and Vision, compassionately faced the fears and challenges that emerged, because I was safe in knowing I was being true to myself, to what I found meaningful.

I was open to change and redirect my course, too

So, I feel my growth and expansion came just naturally; I didn’t push it.

I just went from one choice to another, from one “what feels meaningful and true” to another.

And, the Universe wheels started turning in my favor, beautiful things started flowing from and to me.

So my dear friend, I invite you to take this “Meaningful and True Approach”

Not from the “shoulds” or “coulds”

Not from an inner strict critic or authoritarian voice,

or measuring yourself against external standards,

But from the loving whisper of your Higher Self, your intuition.

This way, maybe “stepping out of your comfort zone”,

actually means to radiate your Presence to all corners of the Universe!!

Making all places your “feel good zone”, “feel empowered zone” “feel meaningful zone”

And it all boils down to Being Yourself.

Allowing yourself to Be who You are At This Moment.

That’s how I see it.

 You, you perfect multidimensional, shifting being that is reading these words right now!!

 Yes, I know. It sounds so cliché…why does everything seems come back to that statement???!! “Be Yourself???!!

 But there’s truth in that, and I know you can validate it in your own Life.

(Truth tends to be quite straightforward and simple, but we humans tend to make everything more complicated! )

remember you are a human BEING, changeable and malleable…

what feels meaningful and true for you today may change tomorrow…

And it’s totally okay.

Your “comfort zone” can morph and expand through your Life as you gain more experiences and knowledge.

 Your perspective naturally shifts…and your reach new heights in your journey.

Keep in mind, sometimes it takes time to the “physical reality” to catch up with your inner changes and recalibrations.

Hang in there!! Give it time to take shape in the material world!!

Meanwhile, keep trusting what feels Meaningful and True to you.

Your next step will show up when it’s the time.

when it’s the most logical and effortless thing to do next.

For now, focus on your Today.

What feels good, meaningful and true to Be/Do Now, that will also propel your growth in some kind of way?

 No matter how big or small it may seem.

Yes, you may encounter discomfort and friction as you declutter and clear your space – both energetic and physical…

to welcome a new way of being, diving into a new enterprise, project, creation…

But let me tell you, the edges soften as you lovingly stay focused on what you want, because if you are reading this, I know is a noble, beautiful cause.

And when you focus on Meaning and your Vision, even the challenges and natural fears that come up, will help sharpen your wit, talents and gifts.

I truly feel blessed of the miracles that are happening to me.

In retrospect, these are fruits of choosing to be fully, unconditionally ME,

following the call of my spirit, my impulses, my intuition, which has led me to my next step in my evolution as a person and mentor.

If you have been walking the self-discovery, spiritual path for quite a time by now, I know you have all the resources within you to do this and uncover more layers within!!

Now, I share with you some practical tips to expand your “Meaningful and True” zone.

  • Try doing something different, a few times a week – even if it’s working on your yard instead of your living room, dancing first thing in the morning instead of sitting in front of the computer.

  • Follow your impulses to do creative things!!

  • Let yourself be playful, childlike, curious. We need to express our emotions.

  • Notice the kind of people that inspire you. Ask yourself why.

  • That thing you are scared to do, but you know it will be important for your evolution, do it anyway. Do it with fear. When you are aware of your fears, they turn into EXCITEMENT! It’s a delicious transmutation that takes place.

  • And then, take hold of the momentum Excitement brings you, and use it to your advantage!!

  • Keep track of your achievements and successes. Celebrate yourself for every step you take!!

I hope you resonate with this, and would love to hear your thoughts!! And big thanks to my friend Christina who suggested this topic!! Check out her beautiful art here!!

With super cosmic love



PS: You can find all my free videos here on my YouTube channel. !!

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In case you need more in-depth and long term assistance through a holistic, metaphysical and spiritual perspective, take a look at my private mentoring https://www.rosealiaga.com/sessions

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