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Your Authentic Self in 2023

Hello my dear soul friend!

I hope you’re gently easing into 2023 with refreshed energies!

If for any reason you’re feeling pressured to figure out your year right from the start, to make goals and resolutions…please take a deep breath and take a walk with me…

It’s ok to feel “meh”, confused, in a limbo. For the past years, we have been dealing with great transitions in many ways. The pandemic and all it encompassed, personal losses, career shifts, health issues…and goes without saying the tumultuous political and climate landscape everywhere. 

Those of us who are deeply sensitive, empathic and spiritually attuned, need plenty of time and space to recoup and process what happens around us. It’s completely natural.

Many of us also feel compelled to find meaning in the chaos and a conscious way to navigate the world. 

We don’t really feel motivated by grand ambitions or external rewards. 

We don’t resonate with drama and what the majority of people are doing…but we can still fall into unhealthy comparisons.

Why am I not more social and extraverted? 

Why am I not traveling a lot like others?
Why haven’t I published my short story collection already?
Why I still don’t have the house of my dreams? 

Why am I not further ahead in my career? 

But, the beautiful, honest, authentic reality might be…

Your Soul loves alone time and your small group of loyal friends ~ no need to go crazy in the pursuit of relationships.

Your Soul knows you can create Home wherever you are, because you are your own Home ~ you can carry this feeling everywhere, and eventually a physical manifestation of it will come to you.

Your Soul loves being at home and the pleasures of domesticity. You care about your health and avoid unnecessary risks during a pandemic

Your True Self knows it is more than enough. Your True Self is self-fulfilled at each and every moment, beyond any concept of career or work you do

And…at the core of everything….

Your Soul deeply loves itself as it is

Your Soul deeply loves itself as it is

Your Soul deeply loves itself as it is


From the acceptance of your True Authentic Self in this Moment, you can expand your horizons. You can gently stretch your comfort zone to encompass more magic, adventure, love.
Do it because you can. Do it because You Want. Do it because it’s Your Choice.
Not your inner critic’s choice, not the imaginary versions of people in your head.

Maybe you can attend or host a gathering for creatives.

Maybe you can book a weekend on the beach with your dog

Maybe you can start a new schedule to complete your creative work


I will repeat this over and over again ~ because we always need the reminder…

It’s ok to be wherever you are now.

It’s ok to be “inbetween”

It’s ok to be exhausted.

It’s ok to feel in a void.

Not everything has to be about doing and doing and doing

Take time to listen

Take time to Be

With grace and compassion we can gently improve our lives.

And if you’re curious, rather than New Year resolutions, I like to ask myself: 

What state of being I want to live in??

And I create a couple of goals from that. It gives me room to play and experiment freely, enjoying the process…without feeling too stressed about outcomes. 

For me, this year my “themes” are: 

Authentic and Aligned Self Expression

Nurturing Home and Community

Meaningful Soul Connections.

My most “tangible” goal is a book I’m releasing this year!!

And also making new friends from all over the world!!

I’m very excited about all that.

And thank you, thank you so much for being part of my life and journey!!

Let’s see how 2023 surprises us!

((soul hugs and big cosmic love))


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