Coronavirus (COVID-19): An Spiritual and Grounded Perspective

Hello beautiful souls, I channeled this information from the collective energies we are experiencing in regards of the coronavirus. I hope this is helpful to you and brings you some comfort!!

In the spiritual community there’s a need to try to explain this phenomenon. “What does this pandemic is “teaching”/showing” us?

Is that how we have to frame it? I like to think, it could have been any other kind of catastrophe…the main thing is, how do We respond to this?

What does is it trigger within us, as a collective and individuals?

How do we use our inner and collective resources to ease the anxiety and upheaval??

Still, it brings us comfort to try and make sense of this unprecedented global event. And we are craving this. Certainty, trust in a better future, in a resolution…

In my instagram live (@loveandsoul7) I shared the following themes that came up to me:


Energy and nature gravitate toward balance and harmony. When there’s a disbalance, it naturally finds its way towards balance again.

For so many years, we humans have continued abusing nature, mistreating our animal brothers, maybe this is also a “wake up call” from our Mother Earth, telling us how unnecessary and cruel is inflicting so much pain and suffering in fellow sentient beings.

The virus originated in a market where animals were in the poorest of conditions, subjected to huge amounts of stress and pain, so their organisms were forced to “create” this kind of virus as a self-defense against it’s bigger predator: us.

On the other hand, the last weeks of quarantine we see big drops of pollution, the canals cleaner, wildlife estas últimas semanas de cuarentena mundial, vemos que los cielos de muchos países están menos contaminados, ¿qué significa?

? Collective Awakening and Recalibration

This pandemic is waking up each of us in different ways, and it can potentially help human consciousness to shed off limiting patterns and beliefs, recalibrating it’s consciousness on a collective level…

But how?

As we see in the news, all human conflicts and underlying fears come up to the surface. Inequality, injustice, and how archaic and useless is a paradigm based on money and misused power that only benefits a little minority.

But hey, we got some good news!! We also did a tarot reading and we pulled 3 beautiful, hopeful cards!!


This “virus” is re-uniting and equalizing countries and people, it shows us we are all equal, we are all vulnerable.

This has inevitably brought us to the present and, at the same time, to project ourselves to the future, to care not only for our own wellbeing but for our wellbeing but for our neighbor too. Because helping the other is helping ourselves.



I feel guided to interpret this as a crumbling down of inner and outer barriers, a so needed collective breakthrough and stripping of limiting beliefs from generations, unhealthy power structures. Also, setting clear and conscious goals in regards of the Future. This feels like the climax of all the previous years’ build up, a big release …

It’s now on our hands to redirect our trajectory as humanity and individuals. Do we want to heal and evolve? Or do we want to stagnate and regret our choices?


A beautiful card, which is almost self-explanatoryexplains itself … reconnecting with our ability to create transform, change things where we are, because any “crisis” can be an opportunity. These weeks or months of “waiting”, of retreat in our homes, we can try to connect with our silence and inner calm, which makes us feel good, inspired, creative, transforming. Make the time to rekindle friendships, connect with like-minded souls, because while our physical bodies may be distant, our hearts can be closer than ever ?

Thank you SO MUCH for reading,

Healing hugs to you and your loved ones!!

I’ll be sharing another blog on How to Find Fullfilment during Trying Times…Especially for creatives, sensitives and empaths. Stay tuned!!

And if you missed it, here’s my newest video: Tapping For Coronavirus – Fear & Anxiety Release

PS: You can find all my free videos here on my YouTube channel. !!

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