Navigating COVID times as Lightworkers, Empaths and HSP

That little fearful and protective voice in my head said:
“you are 24, just starting off your life’s journey,
full of hopes and dreams
and then this shitty pandemic hits.
it’s not fair, right?
Why?? why now??”

Dear friend, I know these times are difficult for all of us.
I was meditating on this, and being totally honest about myself…

the things I wanted, the things I longed and craved.

“are the people I love going to be safe”
“will the world shift to a better state?”
“are my dreams still valid, still achievable?”

I cried hard last night, facing many scenarios
And it helped so much.

I let all those thoughts out and lovingly observed them
They soothe when you observe them.
They become like fluffly little kittens with big bright eyes,
and you can pet them and tell them everything is going to be ok.

Truth is, I find pleasure in crying, in releasing, because I know I’m healing.
I allow myself to process my emotions and what’s happening in the world
Feel it to heal it, my mantra.
Healing is returning to our inherent Wholeness
It’s all about awareness and integration.

It’s pure love in action,
including all of me, all my fluctuations,
all my ups and downs.

Not leaving for tomorrow what I can cry, release & heal today
Then I can bounce back with renewed clarity, strenght and wisdom.

So, last night when tears receded, I was sure of one thing.
My Today is all I have.
My Today is precious.
If my today is good and beautiful, that’s all I need.

And I am the one who makes it beautiful
By being grateful and feeling the aliveness within me
By noticing the simple beauty of my everyday life,
preparing my oatmeal,
making my bed
feeling the sun in my skin
watching the sky changing colors
the sunset
the birds
the beautiful silence at dawn
telling my parents and friends I love them.

Those things just fill my heart, and is enough to keep on living
to keep on dreaming
I love myself, deeply and completely,
and I hope,
and I trust with all certainty that we are going to rise above this
as individuals,
as society.

First we feel it,
then we heal it.
Much love and relieving tears of healing to you,
my brave friend, my fellow lightworker ??



PS: You can find all my free videos here on my YouTube channel. !!

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