What 2019 Taught Me – Surrendering to my True Nature and Soul Calling
I sat with myself, opened my heart, surrendered to my vulnerabilities, and cried tears of realizing who I am, what I love and need the most.
Truly made peace with my own rythms, my energy spikes and lows, my delicate yet resilient nature.
I truly believe in finding what you do naturally, what’s naturally easy for you and fiinding a way to make an income out of it.
These times my soul passionately guides me to share healing, wisdom and bring comfort to soul seekers, old and young healers and intuitive change-makers that are awakening to their inner power and gifts :’)
I’m fully embracing my need of freedom, connection, intimacy, meaning and impact….it’s so relieving saying YES to my Soul. YES to my dreams.
Maybe I’ll have some challenges following the less travelled path, but these will feel so purposeful and growth-supportive. I’ll be guided to where I need to be, where I’m the most helpful and needed :’)
I thank all my friends, clients, my soulmates and my online families for teaching me the beauty of life, the perfect imperfection of the human being and how each one has hundreds of facets and gifts like diamonds shining under the sun.
Now more than ever I know what my mission and purpose is …
It is sharing. It’s helping. It’s inspiring & catalizing healing and transformation….and mostly just by Being Myself!!!
Let’s live day by day, moment by moment, drawing the greatest joy and meaning, even in the midst of storms.
There is much love and growth on the other side of fear.
There is a lot of peace: ‘)
The greatest revolution begins in you….
In finding what’s easy to you, what comes naturally from you.
In doing what you love, in loving what you do.
Follow your impulses, curiosities, intuitions, hunches. Honor the creative and infinite soul that you are.
And may the joy, peace and relief of being yourself be your compass before fear or insecurity.
This 2020 I invite you to ask yourself “What gives me the most life? How can I share the Love and Light that I already am?”
Big love,